Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prayer Song

Isabella has been watching American Idol with me and she loves all the music and so tonight she decided to sing her prayers. She had done this the other night, so I had my camera ready, just in case she did it again. It would be nice if she actually folded her arms and closed her eyes, but we are working on that....for now we will just laugh at this silly little girl that is nearly three (in one more day).


Becca said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!!! How did you not laugh the whole time?

Cassie said...

What a character!!! Is she not her FATHER?!!! I am dying. Was it Miranda laughing in the background? You are amazing that you didn't crack--not once. How in the world?....I love you! :) So funny, thanks for sharing!

Desi said...

That is adorable! I can't believe that she did the WHOLE thing in song! What a cutie! And way to go. I would have laughed my head off!

Heidi said...

That is soo flippin' adorable! I woulda been cracking up the whole time! How cute. & I just noticed...she & my daughter Ayiana have the same middle name-spelled exactly the same! Too cool! :)

Unknown said...

omg, i'm dying and crying. No wonder i'm in love with this kid, she's entertaining me for free