Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Potty Training Bella

Ok...this morning Bella insisted on wearing her princess dress. Well, keep in mind that we are potty training in full force. So, on a routine trip to the potty chair...this is what it looked like. It was just too cute not to share.

Then I asked her to give me a smile for the camera, and this is what I got. (Don't ya just love 2!)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cutest couple ever!

Here is my new haircut, but curly...likin' it!

Here is my new haircut, but curly lovin' on my honey:

Couldn't resist a kiss! :)

A Queen's Bath

Wouldn't it be grand if we could all have a bath drawn for us and just relax in a bunch of bubbles with no cares in the world? Well here is a young lady who is doing just that...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My new haircut!!

I did it...I am now stylin'. I cut my hair off and then when she styled it...made it straight. I love it! Now I just have to try to keep it looking this cute. Why is it that the stylist can do amazing things with our hair and then we can never recreate them? Even curly it looks cute. How 'bout that?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brackenridge Park and Train Day

Last Friday, Bella and I went with my sister and her family to ride the train and play at Brackenridge Park. It was fun. The only thing that could have been better would be to have Rick and Miranda with us .